Happy 4th of July! While we certainly don’t live in a perfect country, we have been…
Is my faith safe? Is our faith safe? How do you define “safe”?
How would you describe our country today? Successful? Or Suffering? My guess is we would say both. We are “successful” in that our way of life is the envy of most of the world. Our freedoms, our abundance, our luxuries… but … watch the video to learn more.
Robert Groethe of South Dakota was convicted of a DUI last year. He was pretty familiar with what would happen… it was his 19th DUI arrest. You may be wondering, “How does that guy still have a license? Well, he doesn’t… Just keeps drinking, keeps driving, keeps getting arrested, keeps paying the fine…
But he’s not the record holder in South Dakota… that honor… or shame… goes to …