
Building Better Relationships

Video – Building Better Relationships – A Better Relationship with Your Neighbor

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To start off, write this down: “Getting together is easy… staying together is difficult”. All the relationships we’ve talked about… with spouses, with family, with God… the introduction, usually not too hard, usually interested, curious. May actually want these relationships. Dating is easier now… is it? Dating sites,, etc… But STAYING together… why is that so hard?

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Video – Building Better Relationships – A Better Relationship With Your Family – 10:45 am

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Asked to help a family going through constant conflict, arguments (you probably can’t relate… might help someone else)… finally, husband left… hard to get him to speak up, talked about all the problems, wife sick, daughter with special needs, mother-in-law needing help, said “When I got married and started a family, had in mind something else… this isn’t what I signed up for…”

Understand the struggle, the pain, the disillusionment… but what DO we sign up for?

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Video – Building Better Relationships – A Better Relationship With Your Family – 8:15 am

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Asked to help a family going through constant conflict, arguments (you probably can’t relate… might help someone else)… finally, husband left… hard to get him to speak up, talked about all the problems, wife sick, daughter with special needs, mother-in-law needing help, said “When I got married and started a family, had in mind something else… this isn’t what I signed up for…”

Understand the struggle, the pain, the disillusionment… but what DO we sign up for?

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Video – Building Better Relationships – A Better Relationship With Your God – 10:45 am

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This June 22 will make 30 years that Elizabeth and I have been a couple. Be clear, our Wedding Anniversary in June will mark 28 years. But we got married exactly 2 years after we started dating…. Took her to see Batman with Michael Keaton, been together ever since. I can’t tell you the moment I fell in love with her, but can tell you the moment I realized I was in love with her. She had come up to visit me while I was in seminary, flew up, good weekend, time to fly back, took her to airport, put her on the plane, left, turned on radio, first thing was about a plane crash…

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