Must admit that, as much as I nitpick about Christmas traditions and how some not accurate and all that, one of mine is that I like Christmas movies. And I have to confess, my Christmas movies aren’t necessarily all that accurate
For me, this part of the Christmas story, this is the one that I can see it in my mind when it’s read.
Maurice Hilleman was a gifted scientist who worked for Merck Pharmaceuticals, who specialized in making vaccines. So when his daughter got sick, he took a swab from the back of her throat and took it to his lab in the middle of the night and figured out a way to turn that into the vaccine that we use today. The MMR vaccine alone has been given to over a billion children around the world, to where now mumps is rare and treatable. So, I’ll say it again… Maurice Hilleman’s daughter got the mumps… isn’t that great?