
God Loved God Gave

Video – God Loved God Gave – God Comes with a Plan – 8:15 AM Service

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During the Christmas season, we re-read the Christmas story to remind ourselves that Christmas is the time we remember that God sent us a Savior, the very Son of God and that His name is Jesus. But we also call Him another name. The Christ. In fact, for centuries, we’ve called Him “Jesus Christ”. But you may not always remember that “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name. The name “Christ” actually, isn’t a name at all… it’s a title. It would be better to say, like it says in Matthew 1:16, that His Name Is Jesus, who is the Christ. Or Jesus IS the Christ. Because the word Christ is the Greek form of the Hebrew word Messiah. And this is important because the Jews long believed that one day, God would send “the Messiah”. And the word Messiah means “anointed one”, meaning someone God would chose to be the one who would lead us and deliver us. And there are hundreds of passages of prophecy, predicting God would send a Messiah.

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Video – God Loved God Gave – God Comes with a Plan – 10:45 AM Service

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During the Christmas season, we re-read the Christmas story to remind ourselves that Christmas is the time we remember that God sent us a Savior, the very Son of God and that His name is Jesus. But we also call Him another name. The Christ. In fact, for centuries, we’ve called Him “Jesus Christ”. But you may not always remember that “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name. The name “Christ” actually, isn’t a name at all… it’s a title. It would be better to say, like it says in Matthew 1:16, that His Name Is Jesus, who is the Christ. Or Jesus IS the Christ. Because the word Christ is the Greek form of the Hebrew word Messiah. And this is important because the Jews long believed that one day, God would send “the Messiah”. And the word Messiah means “anointed one”, meaning someone God would chose to be the one who would lead us and deliver us. And there are hundreds of passages of prophecy, predicting God would send a Messiah.

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